Learn about the current real estate market scenario in Florida. Get to know several developments available for investments. Learn about the possibilities of ready-made real estate and others under construction. Ilana Reisner is a real estate agent based in the Orlando area and highly qualified to assist potential investors. Ilana will bring all the necessary information about the market and will answer everyone’s questions during the event.
In addition we will also have the presence of Tatiana Belinassi who is a specialist in financing. She is also a mortgage broker in the Florida region. Know all possibilities of financing for all types of people: residents or non-residents in the United States, holders of Social Security Number, TIN number holders, etc.
Ilana Reisner and Tatiana Belinassi will be in Boston exclusive to this event. The American real estate market is on the rise and Florida is always the dream of all Brazilians. Return is guaranteed. We have a favorable market and the sooner the buyer takes action, the more gain we can have in the short term. Register now! Limited opportunities! Free event with snack available.